Copy Trading
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To access Copy Trading, click 🕵🏻♂️Copy Trading in the main menu: Select the chain on which you would like to copy the trades: To add a new wallet to copy, click Add Wallet to Copy: And enter the address of the wallet that you would like to start copying: You will be presented with the settings screen for copying the wallet: After adjusting your desired settings (explained in depth below), click on Start Copying to enable the copy trading function: If everything is set up correctly, you will see Copy Registered at the top of your monitor: If you would like to adjust some settings, you can change them in the monitor and you must click the Update Changes button after making the adjustments: If you would like to stop copying a wallet, you must click the Cancel Copy button, clicking the Close button will not stop the copy trading. Copy trading transactions will have a specific name in the Mode section for easy identification:
Specify the wallets you would like to copy the purchases with: Pressing All button will select all of your wallets: Make sure to setup enough wallets before buying!
If you would like to take profit or cut your losses automatically, you can set everything up by clicking these buttons: Select the percentage at which the transaction will be executed: And select the percentage of your total token amount to sell: Your current settings will be visible after you set them:
Select the amount of Gas you would like to use for your transactions. The more Gas you use, the better position in the block you will get, but the transaction will cost you more.
There are a few interesting settings that need some explanation: AntiRug (not available on some chains) is an all-in-one protection from all the things that are nasty - rugs, taxes, blacklists and everything in-between. You can enable/disable it by clicking this button: AntiRug will sell on high-impact sells, for example if dev dumps 10 wallets at once, the bot will frontrun these transactions. Red is disabled, green is enabled. You can enter a custom Slippage value by pressing Slip: Slippage is calculated after taxes. For example, if you plan to buy a token with 1 ETH, and there's a 50% tax on the token, your initial 1 ETH will be reduced to 0.5 ETH due to the tax. Then, the slippage is applied. Consequently, the actual minimum amount you'll end up buying may be much less than 0.5 ETH. For tax protection you can select the maximum buy and sell taxes in the settings. Slippage is calculated not on token price fluctuation, but on the amount you are trying to buy. For example: You are trying to buy 1 Eth worth of Pepe and you have slippage set at 50%. This means that right after buying you are accepting that your tokens will be worth anywhere from 0.5 Eth to 1 Eth (if taxes are at 0%) Keep in mind, there is no anti-mev on Binance Smart Chain, so please use Slippage! Buy/Sell Tax - maximum amount of tax that your poor soul can tolerate. If buy/sell of a token is higher than your set amounts, your transactions will not be sent. Transactions will be sent when the requirements are met. For example, you have set Buy Tax at 10%, Sell Tax at 5%, the developer launches with 2% buy tax, which complies with your settings, and 7% sell tax, which is the reason why your transactions will not be sent. Transactions will be sent when the requirements are met. Min Wallet Balance - The minimum amount of tokens the wallet has to purchase in order for you to copy the trade. The value is in written in USD. Min Liquidity - if the token developer adds an amount lower than you specified to the liquidity pool, your transactions will not be sent. Transactions will be sent when the requirements are met. Amount is written in USD. For example, you have set Min Liquidity at 1000, and the developer adds 0.2 ETH to liquidity, in that case, your transactions will not be sent. Transactions will be sent when the requirements are met. Alpha mode disables all of the security checks of the bot and lets you buy into high taxes, honeypots, blacklists etc., etc. Red is disabled, green is enabled. Buy Once - You will buy a token only one time. If the wallet you are copy trading buys the same token multiple times, you will only copy the first purchase. Red is disabled, green is enabled. Min Mcap - This sets the minimum market cap of a token in order to trigger the copy trade. If the market cap is below this value and this setting is active, the buy will not trigger. Amount is written in USD. Max Mcap - This sets the maximum market cap that a token can have. If market cap is above this value and this setting is active, the buy will not trigger. Amount is written in USD.