🕵️Copy Trading

Amount modes

Min - If you choose to have the Min mode enabled, the bot will decide the amount to buy between two amounts - your Max Amount that you have set in the bot, and the amount of the wallet that you are copying. The bot will choose whichever value is lower out of the two. For example, you have Max Amount set at 1 ETH, and the wallet that you are copying buys with 2 ETH, so the bot will buy 1 ETH, as it is the lower value of the two. If you have Max Amount set at 1 ETH, and the wallet that you are copying buys with 0.5 ETH, so the bot will buy 0.5 ETH, as it is the lower value of the two. Max - If you choose to have the Max mode enabled, bot will only buy up to your Max Amount. For example, you have Max Amount set at 1 ETH, and the wallet that you are copying buys with 2 ETH, so the bot will buy 1 ETH. If you have Max Amount set at 1 ETH, and the wallet that you are copying buys with 0.5 ETH, so the bot will buy 1 ETH.

Copy Sell

Copy Sell will let you mirror the sells of the wallet that you are copying. You can select the desired amount that you wish to copy. For example, if you would like to leave a moonbag for all the tokens the wallet buys, just set 80-90% on the Copy Sell setting. The wallet you are copying will have sold all of his tokens, but you will still have 10-20% remaining.

Take Profit & Stop Loss

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